Homeopathic injections are safe and effective, containing only natural products such as plant extracts. These injections allow your body to start its natural healing processes. The healing effect activates from inside your body.
As non-homepathic injections help suppress symptoms, homeopathic injections enable the immune system to start its healing capacities. Your body is then able to properly heal.
Types of Injections
Helps stimulate the immune system from infections with fever such as the common cold, the flue and influenza, viral infections, and cold sores.
Promotes metabolic processes, activates lymph release, eliminates toxins from the inter cellular space.
Assists with muscle spasms, cramping of: stomach, uterus, intestine, gall bladder, fibromyalgia and menstrual pain.
Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, stops pain, activates immune system, assists, wound healing, stops bleeding (bruising), swelling, detoxifies on the cellular level.
Assists with chronic inflammation associated with degenerative arthritis, treats hot painful swollen joints by detoxifying the tissues.